Welcome to paukner.cc GNU/Linux (x86_64, Kernel 4.19.0) on tty1
Sat Jul 27  2024 06:31:52

gauss login: root
Last login: Tue Dec 15 22:09:38 2020
No mail.
Have a lot of fun...
gauss:~# uptime
  06:31:52 up 423 days, 3:52, 0 users, load average: 0.44, 0.26, 0.18
gauss:~# ls -lF /var/www/htdocs
total 4324
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Oct 16 14:02 stephan/
gauss:~# figlet -f slant Linux rules!
    __    _                                __          __
   / /   (_)___  __  ___  __   _______  __/ /__  _____/ /
  / /   / / __ \/ / / / |/_/  / ___/ / / / / _ \/ ___/ /
 / /___/ / / / / /_/ />  <   / /  / /_/ / /  __(__  )_/
/_____/_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/|_|  /_/   \__,_/_/\___/____(_)

gauss:~# bin/sunsymday.py
16 May is today's solar altitude symmetric day